Tag Emacs

Pomodoros with org-timer

How to use org-mode as a pomodoro timer, and then show the pomodoro status on waybar.

Linking to emails in org-mode (using neomutt)

Where we store links to emails in org-mode, and open them using neomutt.

Search headers in org-mode

Where we show a quick way of navigating org-mode files.

Adobe's new free font: Source Code Pro

Adobe yesterday released its free and open source Type family, Source Code Pro, which includes an eye-pleasing monospace font ideally suited for coding. In the past, and at the recommendation of Fernando Perez, I’ve used the beautiful (but non-free) Consolas by Microsoft; now, which is best?

To install on Linux:

  1. Grab the font.
  2. Copy the files to ~/.fonts.
  3. Run fc-cache -f -v.

The font should now be available for selection in apps such as Firefox, Gnome Terminal, etc. To make it the default font in Emacs::

Emacs package management

EDIT 2023-01-06: Nowadays, there is use-package.

I recently tried to install MuMaMo as one of the dependencies for Takafumi Arakaki’s Emacs-based IPython notebook. The instructions on the MuMaMo webpage were as clear as mud and aimed primarily at Windows users. Enters apt-get for Emacs!

My Emacs setup is shared across multiple machines: a synchronized elisp folder, containing *.el files, along with my .emacs configuration. el-get allows you to share your package installation folder in a similar fashion. Here are some relevant configuration snippets: