Posts posts

Linux Fingerprint Reader

Where we configure Fedora, PAM, and swaylock to accept fingerprint authentication

Google Tasks to Org

Where we download a Google Tasks list in org-mode format.

Mastodon: How To List Followed Hashtags

Where I share a Python script for querying the Mastodon API to show followed hashtags.

How to Write Good Scientific Software

Where I discuss social and technical disciplines required for writing good scientific software.

Voice capture org-mode tasks on Android

Where I show how to hook up org-mode and Google Assistant

Designing for Intelligent Augmentation

How can we better design systems that combine computational inference and human intelligence?

Linking to emails in org-mode (using neomutt)

Where we store links to emails in org-mode, and open them using neomutt.

Search headers in org-mode

Where we show a quick way of navigating org-mode files.

WebSockets in Python (and some Redux)

Where we make pushing messages from a python backend to the browser easy.